Favorite Characters

Who is your favorite character? Why? I think one of my favorite characters is Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings. He comes into the story at a time when frankly we could use a little cheerfulness and wisdom. Treebeard has plenty of this to offer. I have always wished that Tolkien would have written a book or a short story for the Ents. They seem to have so much to offer Middle Earth!

Perhaps I will have to write my own fan fiction for them one day. What makes a person (or creature) your favorite character? Is it their looks? Their personality? Their actions and deeds? An awful lot goes into a good character. Treebeard has a unique opening in the book that grabs your attention and makes you so curious you are practically thirsty to learn more about him.

Not all favorites have a quirky opening though. Sometimes it is the mundane that makes them special. Lucy Pevensie, in the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, is very, very ordinary yet she has become one of the most well loved characters in the series.

Perhaps your character is the tall dark and handsome type or perilously beautiful. Is their description so detailed that you feel like you can see them with your waking eyes? Do you feel like you could see them walking down the street and you could recognize them? If so, your author has done a fabulous job!

We can’t forget the characters we love for their personality. One could easily find themselves conversing with Reepicheep or Tom Sawyer with his vivacious love for life. Personality is what wraps up a wonderful character and makes or breaks their memorability. We can relate to them with their humor or sadness. This is where we get to see they are real.

So take some time and enjoy your favorites!   
