The Adventure Continues in the Prince and the Dragon…
Aohdan has rescued a stranger…who is the strange young woman and wHere did she come from?
Sneak Peek into Caitlin’s newest Book!
Chapter 1
Fire. Darkness. Fear. Wild cries in the night. She found herself tangled in a net of impenetrable webbing. She struggled and felt searing pain shoot up her arm. Thrashing wildly now she began to come to her senses. She was tangled in bed sheets, not the horrible net. Their softness brought her back to reality with a jolt. Where was she? Her mind raced frantically trying to remember how she had gotten there. Nothing. Everything was a gaping black hole. She realized with horrifying clarity that her memory was completely gone. She didn’t even know her name. It was there, but hidden behind a wall that she couldn’t break.
With a frustrated sigh, she slowly opened her eyes and relaxed into the bed. She took in the room around her. White walls glowed from golden sunlight. The room was plainly furnished with a high- backed chair and nightstand. Through the simplicity there was a touch of unexpected elegance. The nightstand was intricately carved, and in the light, gave off a burnished gleam. The drapes were made of pleasant light green damask that were finer than she would have expected. They framed a large window letting in the light and gentle warmth of an early sun.
Deliberately, she began to untangle herself from the sheets, throwing back the dark wool coverlet. A sharp pain raced up her arm as she attempted to sit up. So that at least was real; she winced at her broken limb. Looking down, she realized that it had been skillfully bandaged. It was splinted with slender pieces of wood, bound tight with gray strips of cloth. More carefully this time, she eased herself into a sitting position.
As she sat up, she heard footsteps outside her door. Instinctively, she reached for her weapon but found nothing. Another fact to add to her slim knowledge of where she was. She was used to carrying a blade. She mulled this over as she watched the brass handle turn and the door swing open.
In walked a sable-haired man. His eyes widened in surprise to see her awake and sitting up. She was immediately struck by the color of his eyes. They were the brightest robin’s egg blue she had ever seen. Not that she remembered anyone else, she thought wryly. Recovering quickly, the man smiled at her, though she noted it didn’t reach his eyes.
“You’re awake. We’ve been wondering how long you would be out. You must be hungry. Let me bring you something, and then we can talk.”
Book Reviews
“The descriptions of the characters, action scenes, landscape, castles, and adventures came together to make a perfect read, a wonderfully crafted story. Looking forward to other books by C. Hodnefield.”