Caitlin’s Projects
A Look Into the Authors Brain
When Caitlin is not writing real books, she enjoys working on fanfiction. Fanfiction helps her relax and get ideas out on paper. She always has stories in her head, and the completed ones come out as fanfiction and are available to read on Wattpad.
Fanfiction of the Outsiders
Chapter 1: “Hello Brother”
This story is a tribute to the Outsiders. All credit for the book characters goes to S. E. Hinton! I will be updating it as often as I can, so stay tuned and keep waiting for the next chapter to come out!
Darrel walked down the sidewalk next to Dallas. He was worried about him. Darrel worried about a lot of things, but Dallas had given them all a fright recently. He had held up a drugstore and been shot in the side. He'd done time in jail for the crime, but the sentence had been shortened due to his injury.
Dallas had just gotten out of the cooler. He was quieter than Darry would have liked. His icy eyes stormed, while his face was a hard mask. Dallas's parents had thrown him out completely after the hold up. Darrel had offered to let him stay with him and his brothers until he could figure something out. He didn't want to see Dally, as he was known to the gang, blow up again. He didn't want to lose someone else. The pain of his own parent’s death and Johnny Cade was still too fresh.
As they walked, a small figure in battered jeans and a nondescript black sweatshirt paralleled them across the street. Suddenly, the figure darted out into the road. Horns honked frantically. Darry's protective instinct kicked in. "That stupid kid just ran out into the road," He thought to himself, "I can't let him get hit."
With a wild lunge, he roughly yanked the slim child out of the oncoming traffic.
"What kind of idiotic trick do you think you're playing?" he asked as he pulled back the hood that had shadowed the kid’s face.
He gave a start with what was revealed. The countenance that stared back at him did not belong to a child. It was the heart shaped face of a diminutive young woman. Her strawberry hair spilled out from the sweatshirt and her mouth was pulled into a firm line. But it was the girl’s eyes that surprised him. The eyes were identical to those of Dallas Winston.
The girl’s gaze swept from him to Dallas, who was standing behind him. Dally let out a loud curse when their eyes locked.
"Hello, brother," the girl said softly.
The rest of this story is available on Wattpad
Out West Bow Hunt Journey