Critter Corner — Caitlin Hodnefield

Critter Corner: Caitlin has had the opportunity to own some wonderful horses throughout her life. Starting with her first horse, Banjo, a Quarter Horse who took her to county fair and open shows, she then graduated to Jim. Jim, a registered black and white Paint, was an incredible trail mount for her and even participated in the Pony Express. 

As Caitlin wanted to get back into showing, she purchased Lacey, a sassy Quarter Horse mare, that gave her a start back into the showing world. When Lacey needed to retire from shows, Caitlin purchased Creed. 

Chip and Creed

Creed is one of her current horses. He is a young registered Quarter Horse who loves people more than food! Creed wants to "help" with everything from cutting down trees to digging in the garden. Creed is Caitlin's current project and is learning about the show world and how to be a lesson horse for her experienced horseback riding students. 

Chip is her other current horse. Chip is a bay and white Paint pony in his 20s. He is fat and LOVES food and tries to eat all of Creed's food while Creed is out making friends. Chip gets very offended if his breakfast is late. 


What do you want to know about Chip and Creed?