
Time slips by so fast. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true. Our lives are so short. Just the blink of an eye. How am I spending my time? Am I making the most of it? These questions are universal. I think it’s safe to say we’ve all asked them or will at some point in our lives. Our mortality guarantees that we ask questions like these. We have this hunger to be remembered, to make a difference, to really live.

We live, we die, that’s it right? If that’s all there is to life, then we are inconsequential. What a sad ending. But what if there was something more? What if there was something greater than this cycle of life and death? I believe that there is more and the more is Jesus Christ.

As we reflect back on April as May is almost over I think about Easter. It is the time to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Who is this Jesus? He is the Son of God who came to live a perfect life on earth as a man, human just like us. God sent us his perfect, sinless, son because of his great love for us. We, His greatest creation, were separated from God by our disobedient, lying, cheating, lustful, hateful, and angry ways. Our evil came at a high price, short lives, death, and eternal separation from God.

But God had a plan. A payment for the sin and evil we had committed. He sent His perfect, sin free Son to die the death we deserved. Jesus was a willing sacrifice, taking all the punishment that we deserved upon Himself. He let Himself die a horrible death out of love for us. But that wasn’t the end. He didn’t stay dead. He rose again three days later conquering death. By His resurrection He gave us the opportunity to also live again. 

If we give our lives over to Jesus and repent of our sick, twisted, dying ways Jesus is faithful to forgive our sins. When we claim the gift Jesus offers us, we receive true life. We have purpose and hope. Our finite lives are no longer a breath on the wind. Instead our souls are given eternity to live with the one who loved us enough to lay down His life for us.

Talk about hope! It sure gives me a reason to live a purpose driven life. My goal is to
give glory to God no matter what. I have found that I am the happiest and most
fulfilled when I am centered on Him and serving Him. Proverbs 3:5-6 says,
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.” I want this to
be the cry of my life as time ticks steadily on. I know that I have meaning,
value, and a purpose. I hope that you can know that too.
