
Names have power. They are important. They shape our view of the named thing. I hadn’t realized their true significance until I started writing. Some names resonate deeply within us while others are reviled. Names come in all kinds of forms. They are an integral part of every culture we encounter. They range from sacred to flippant. Like the Hebrew name for God, Yaweh, which means I AM, is so holy it is not spoken by the Jews. Ranging to the other end of the spectrum is Gwyneth Paltrow’s daughter named Apple.

What names do you gravitate toward? Do you prefer strong and revered? Or are you a maverick who enjoys bucking the system? As I was writing my book I varied widely in my feelings over the names of my characters. The names of my main characters, Avana and Killian, were the product of much agonizing. Yet some of the other important people like Caleb and Finris, came without hesitation.

 So what do some of these names mean? Avana means, ‘beautiful flower,’ while Killian means, ‘spiritual or church’. Do their names play into my story? Not directly, but knowing the meaning affects my feelings toward my characters and hopefully my readers feelings about them. 

Names can make or break a story, marketing, or even a life. In my first post I talked about thievery. Stealing names is one of my favorite activities! There are so many lovely names out there. And what is it that makes names exciting to me? They tell a story. And I love a good story. So my friends, keep naming!
